If your a trend forecaster you have noticed the rise of short shorts won by iconic men in the fashion or lifestyle niche and believe me i have never been more enticed to jump on a bandwagon more than now. In this post i will share with you different ways on how you could style your shorts and of course where you can get your hands on the best ones.
. First things first in order to style your shorts you need to have the shorts ( am i making sense? ) so if you would love to get a pair click here to get yourself some of my personal favourites.
Now lets get into the styling.......
Styling your shorts is going to depend on where you are and what your going to do
1. For the beach
I would prefer having a huge colourful button shirt just to cover up the chest area yet also giving room for your body to be blown by the wind. Check this out if you would like to try a budgie shirt with your shorts. And of course these sandles will do just fine with your out fit.
2. For a walk.
How about a medium sized t shirt in neutral colours ( grey , beige, ) and a cool round hat. (This is one of my favourites its so effortlessly yet so striking ).shop your medium sized t shirt here
3. For a party
I had to save this because i love this look so freakyn much... short shorts a vest and an oversized blazer ( no one rocks these like stylernest) these look great when they are colourful try something like neon.. and choose your accessories right.
4. My fav look
A small fitting shirt tucked in finished with a budgie colourful denim jacket. ( this is my favourite ) shop a good denim jacket here. Get a cool denim jacket right here.
. Hope this was helpful..catch up with me on instagram here.
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The above pictures are from instagram and i have no rights over them . They are for inspiration