why fashion shows have wierdo cloths

After getting my invitation to mens fashion week nigeria, a couple of friends came up to ask me why most fashion shows were full of unwearable outfits and garments. now this is also a question i had years before i really got my hands into the fashion industry,, i mean if versace wants us to buy its cloths then we must love them right? then what the hell is this ....... but in todays article i answer that burning question so buckle up and save this you may want to share it later...
pic from : @donamatoshiofficial so lets dive right into it... firstly fashion is art , while a lay man may think fashion is just cloth or what we use to cover our bodies we people that work in the fashion world are testimonies that fashion is actually more than that...it is art, it is something you use to express how you feel ,to make a statement thats why some designers like kanye have been.successfull (hello billionaire). secondly.. some pieces are actually not made to be worn as day today out fits . i meam look at the metgala even lady gaga doesnt look like that on a daily ,so some cloths are made for special and i meam special occassions. further more some cloths are just made to depict the fabric and colours a designer may want to.use in.their more normal cloth collection. and ofcourse the obvious reason for clout... yes once bloggers ,influencers and even other people see such cloths they are going to reshare and comment giving the designer a platform.. so thats it thats why such cloths are exhibitef ,do you have more reasons share them with me on instagram @iam_collinm xoxo 😍 collin