When your an 18 year old lifestyle blogger in 2020 there somethings you must definitely have and here is my list.
Welcome back collins here again and today am sharing my top 10 priorities that i can't live without and i know this post is going to be materialistic as f but don't judge just drop your comments below 😂.
10. A note book
Now i know some of you are like its 2020 bluh bluh bluh record with your phone but i personally carry a note book with me and its for a number of reasons. (A) just in case i come up with a business idea (b) just in case i come up with a blog idea (c) just....
9. A pen 😂😂😂 ok i know this is obvious when you carry a note book but for me its wierd but true i carry a pen everywhere even to the salon...
8. My power bank for when i ran low of battery
7. My airpods ( even when they are not charged just so i can pretend am busy 😂)
6. My phone and its for a lot of reasons (a) to know the weather (b) to figure out a shorter route to a place (c) to call and cancel plans 😂 (d) just..
5. My smile and gratitude
4. My wallet * my debit card and id
3. Extra transport moeny just in case
2. A mini camera to capture shots for the gram
1. The perfect outfit....
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- collin
- Hey, its collins and welcome to my lifestyle blog. Hope you enjoy the world through my lens. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter