Sharing is caring so today ama share with my fellow content creators and influencers the does and donts of pitching to brands especially if your btn 1k-10k.
Now most people think blogging or being an influencer is a walk in the pack. I mean what could be hard about taking pictures and posting them for cash one person asked me. But the truth is alot comes with content creating from possessing a good camera,a reputable instagram feed,cool blog or youtube channel to amazing lavish lifestyle ( which are not real most of the time because they take up 1/3 of life ) but somehow some of us have done it yiu have. Blog or youtube channel, an amazing ig feed with a decent following and now you want to rep from it well why shouldn't you... but how are you doing it..
First lets go around the do' s and what to expect
1. Always leave your email or contact on your instagram which makes it easy for brands to locate you.
2. If an influencer you follow works with a brand picth to it because its already on board with influencer marketing
3. Dont look like a desperate kid looking for freebies ( even when you are 😂)
4. Always join an influencer agency ( i love )
5. Have a press kit and know your worth
What not to do.. (tah tah tah......) was that dramatic? No ok
1. Never picth to brands not relatable to your audience if your a food blogger dont endorse hair gel.
2. Always try to purchase the product and have first hand information about the item so that u prove your loyalty to the brand.
3. Pitch to many brands as possible and try to aim at long term relationships
4. Never give up
Hope these help out for more info on where to find brands to pitch to and how to pitch please check out my youtube
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- collin
- Hey, its collins and welcome to my lifestyle blog. Hope you enjoy the world through my lens. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter