How to reduce your carbon footprint in 5 easy steps.....lets make the world a better place
Welcome back collin is my name and this is my small space or as i would love to call it lifestyle blog where i share my passions, failures, advices and all things me verses society. ...first things first 2020 has not been a very kind year to most of us and while i have lots of things to be thankful for it would be selfish of me to not acknowledge the level of grief this year has here is the good part,in this article am going to be sharing with yall netizins my top 5 ways of reducing carbon prints which are hazardous to the environment. J
First off carbon prints are equivalents of carbon dioxide emissions that are mostly man made and here is how i reduce mine without even trying ( some of them even dont cost a dime ).
Disclaimer : am by no means an expert in the environment am just someone passionate enough to do some compound research and come up with helpful guidelines on how to preserve the environment.
1. Use more of public transport
I know the comfort that comes with riding your own car or chartering a private jet only problem is the amount of dangerous fumes you produce from a personal car are equal to those emitted by a car with 4 people so .in simple English the more you use your personal car the more we destroy the environment. So lets try as much as possible to share rides.
2. Use the sun to dry your cloths
There is a machine for everything now days.. but whenever you can ( please ) try hanging your cloths out in the sun to dry after washing them. This wont only help preserve the environment but also make your cloths more durable .ps the fumes emitted by driers are not good for the environment.
3. Plant a small garden
Now my brother and i have been obsessed with gardening of late ( chech this out ) and after learning that it helps reduce carbon prints its our new hobby. Plants absorb carbon dioxide which is bad for the environment therefore having a few plants or flowers hee and there will not only make your home more attractive but also a superhero layer because well your saving the environment. .
Check this ( click here) out for amazing planters .
4. Reduce use of single use plastics
I cannot stress this enough if its plastic make sure you are going to use it more than 20 times anything less is harmful, use baskets that are woven from decomposable matter, less polythene and of course dispose it off in the right places ( here is a hint NOT IN THE SEA,RIVER,ROAD,FORESTOR GROUND ).
5. Do the above 4 steps and share them with your friends and family. ..( lets all be super heroes ).
Please drop any more you have .....dont forget to subscribe to my youtube channel here stay safe, wear a mask, reach out to me here and check out cooking and dinning with kelly my bros blog.
Another disclaimer : may contain affiliate links where i get a commission once you make a purchase at no extra cost to you. All thoughts in post are mine