20 years from now. You would give anything to be your age, exactly this healthy, and have this time again. Do you some main character sh*t before its too late.
Thats a quote I read from a reel as I was scrolling through my socials as I had my wine  this morning.. it shook me up like all those other motivation quotes I see.
Its like it was directly speaking to me.

We put our lives on hold as we seek so much from outside we forget that everyday that passes never returns.
You want to go on a date with a significant other? Want someone to apologize,  want someone to listen and validate you? Or you planning a trip but you keep postponing because you don't have who to go with and you afraid you made be bored on your own. Question is how long will you keep waiting and leaning on other people? 
How long till you realize you are the main character of this script,  that every when the sun rises and you open your eyes its a chance to your greatest desires. 
That your presence and effort are divine  .
Sadly no one can bring that out in one except for themselves,  I have been taking it upon myself to be more alive...
I stopped waiting on the "person" to finally come so I can plan and go on dates... now when I have a cool idea of a date I go by myself... (and I have met the coolest people while at it)
I romanticize my life,  I take me some wine  every now and then.  My skincare is always prepped and ready to use...
I mean sometimes I do forget and fall back into my old self where I just exist through the day and before I know it a month has passed but I always try to hold on...

Journaling has been very helpful with easing my communication, listening to old music that I loved growing up.

Smiling at strangers and complimenting them.
Always lifts my spirit too.

Obviously life will always have its difficulties,  some we don't even deserve and can never heal from but are we to let that weight pull us down from living our lives?

Personally.....NO I pick me.
My happiness, my joy, me.


Non of the photos used belong to mbabazi or the mbabazi post, they are generated from pinterest and all rights are reserved by their owners.