signs your emotionally exhausted and need to take a mental break
. we usually take breaks from physical work to unwind, re fresh and loosen up just so we could come back and work or perform better but when do we need a mental break to un plug and just relax our minds . I took some time off and compiled a few symptoms that I believe show one needs a break (dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter for amazing lifestyle content in your inbox).
*you are losing your patience*
~its normal to be a little impatient from time to time but if you find your patience wearing thin and being short with your friends and family or colleagues then that's a sign you need to calm down and take a break..
*poor sleep schedule*
~ if your suffering from insomnia (it takes you hours to fall asleep or you keep waking up during your sleep) that's a sign to take some time off
*your irritable*
~once you discover you have grown easily irritated and your angered by little things that you would usually not give two sh*ts about
*feeling unmotivated*
*feeling detached*
~ if your losing grip of reality, be it drowning in social media or work you will have to take a few steps back to care for yourself mentally.
*anxiety and depression*
~having anxiety and panic attacks regularly is a big sign you need to rest too.
a few of the ways how you could unwind are..
1. having a staycation in your home
2. visiting friends and family
3. involving in hobbies
4. listening to music
5. therapy
6. adopting a pet (if you have the time on your hands )
and more
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- collin
- Hey, its collins and welcome to my lifestyle blog. Hope you enjoy the world through my lens. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter