During last weeks issues I did state that we would be starting a series of articles here were we would be sharing with our audience more information about mental health
in collaboration with the mind watch foundation and this week we had one of the volunteers at the foundation tell us all about parenting and mental health (be sure to subscribe to our news letter for more 💪)
Topic; “How Parents can create a safe space for their children to freely talk to them about mental Health” Mental health problems range from things like anxiety, worry, overthinking, depression to mention but a few, and a few experts and recoveries have attributed “sharing and talking about it” as a recovery mechanismic Often time's when you come accross a depression Post" on social media, and you look through the Comment section, you see people/ "young people" Sharing their experience with it and how Talking about it and prayer helped them overcome. Then there those advising the person who's facing depression to find someone to talk to, and share their worries, anxiety, feelings and emotions to. Look, This is all good advice but the only wrong thing about it is what if the person going through this has no one to talk to? What if they have no one to confide in? What if they are too afraid to share or talk about it with anyone? What if they don't have friends or Relatives that they will truly trust with their insecurities? They overlook this fact in Here is where parents Come in; Parents are often times the closest and realist people in our lives (children's lives). Parents know and see their children in all stages of growth from childhood to adulthood. A parent wishes nothing but the best for each of their children, I'm sure we all know this. Some parents create a free room for a dialogue with their children while some don’t? This stems from upbringing. How parents handle their children as they grow. Do they get involved in their childrens experiences, are they involved in their children’s lives? Do they ask whenever they see some thing different or changes in their children's lives? OR; They are never involved in their childrens lives, They ignore all the red Flags and changes in their children’s lives.? Are they too tough on children and heavily punish them for their negative experiences? Do they create room for dialogue to share their Children's experiences? These among other things determine whether a child will be open to sharing and talking about their problems and experiences with their parent's Therefore parents should; Get involved in their children’s lives from an early stage. Do not ignore red flags and changes in their children’s routines and behavior. Ask questions like How are you doing, how was your day, this alone shows concern and would let anyone open up. Get involved in your child's life. More than just a parent, be a friend to your child. Understand and encourage your children when they fail or do not accomplish or do not live to your expectations of them. Do not shame them for their failures and this will make them Confide easily to their parents. “A parent can make or break a Child.” ~ jonathan Omara disclosure : pictures don't belong to me.